Planetside 2 - Review


This time i will take a look at the game Planetside 2. There have been a lot of positive talking about it while it was in beta, and also after the release. I've been playing around with the game and i must say that it's a really great game. I've enjoyed alot of time in the space as Vanu Sovereignty and Terran Republic, even though people say you have to be loyal for your race, did i choose to try out two of the three races anyways. The last one is New Conglomerate.


The gameplay in Planetside 2 consists of the three races or clans who is in constant fight on three continents. The clans have to work together like a real team, since the whole game, other than being a normal FPS (First Person Shooter) with tanks, planes, cars, etc., it's also a strategy game, you have to take over bases to expand your territory, on same time you also have to defend your own bases so the opponents what get them. The rounds can take really long time, and when i'm saying really long time, i do mean it, i've seen some keep going for a whole weeks. I think it's a plus, it makes you feel like you are in a real war. I've been playing for hours every day, and i could use more if i had the time. I felt like the polictican who controlled the war, but also the private in the match. When you are playing you can choose between 5 classes (actually 6, but the last one is a bit weird).

  1. Infiltrator - Basicly a sniper/spy
  2. Light Assault - Fast running soldier. Light weapons and light gear
  3. Combat Medic - A bit like Light Assault, but doesn't do so much damage, but instead are you able to revive and heal your friends
  4. Engineer - Being like Light Assault and fixing the vehicles
  5. Heavy Assault - A bit slower than the Light Assault and with heavier weapons but does more damage
  6. MAX - This the special one, you can't spawn as this but you have to buy it in the base within you go to war. Imagine Iron Man, but bigger and better. Thats the MAX Suit, and it hurts as hell.
The controlling of the soldiers are like in every other FPS games, not as realistic as in Battlefield 3, but Planetside 2 have been developed with a quite smaller amount of resources than Battlefield. The controls of the vehicles are easy to dive into. When talking airborne vehicles, i always suck at it, but in Planetside 2 it was easy and i had no problems learning to fly (i believe i can fly.. I belive i can touch the sky!)


The graphic in the game is okay, not more and not less, but compared to the scale of the universe you're playing in, i think it's quite fair. It's obvious that the main focus have been the characters, the big bases and the vehicles, as the other graphics ain't in same quality. A quite cool thing is that there is high quality planets and stars in the sky, that really makes you feel like you are in the space.



  • It's free
  • A lot of hours entertainment with friends and strangers
  • Big world
  • First Person Shooter and Strategy game on same time
  • Takes a bit of time to get used to the gameplay
  • Bugs when trying to change continent
  • No voicechat in your sqaud/clan

Final Comment

Planetside is a great game for everyone who likes FPS games, but on same time also likes strategy, as it's a big part of the game. Personally i would have given 20 bucks, if Sony chose to make it cost. For those who waited for the game to be finished, can easy be glad, it's a really great game that you can play for hours.
Planetside 2 is on Steam for free, so what are you waiting for?

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