
Orcs Must Die 2 - Review


It's time for a review, and this time it will be the game Orcs Must Die 2, by Robot Entertainment, that we will put in the searchlight. The game is the same style as Dungeon Defenders, that means it's a Tower Defense game, but instead of a top/down view, you play it as a 3rd person game.
Lets begin!


Just a picture of the OP gun
In Orcs Must Die 2, your task is to stop the orcs, trolls and other monsters before they have been through the level. You can do this by using traps, weapons, trinkets and other magical and clearly not magical things. You start out by choosing if you want to be man or women, each have some special weapons. I chose the man and got a pretty powefull gun that kills all the orcs.. Or something...

For every level you complete you will earn skulls, those skulls are used to upgrade traps, weapons, etc. in the spellbook, this can make a big difference, and you should take your time to do it. In every level you have a number of lives. It depends on the level and which difficulty you are playing on. The levels take place on mostly a castle and the area around. The longer you come in both the individual level and in the game itself it gets harder and harder. 

You have the possibility to play online both with some people you've never met, but also with your Steam friends, and this really make the game much funnier, as with many games that have both single- and multiplayer, so be sure to try that out too, if you get the game.

It's fast to start, and only and bit confusing menu, as it's difficult to get right to the online part of the game. But  it isn't anything you think much about.

That was a little short Gameplay part, but there really isnt much.. You slay orcs and monsters and it's hilarious.

Graphics & Music

The graphics are a toony style, which is perfect for this kind of game, so not much to say there other than it gets you in mood to play more. The game wouldn't have been much fun if it had Skyrim graphics.

Another thing to get you ind mood are the music. It really gets you in action mode, and is just great composed. And also the characters comes with funny lines a bunch of times through the game, which also give a plus.


- Great for pastime
- It's cheap
- It's funny
- Got some great music
- Multiplayer mode

- A bit of confusing menu
- Can get really hard at points

Final comment

So overall Orcs Must Die 2 is a really good game, that you can play for hours and hours with your friends and alone. It's cheap and have cool graphics and music. I can nothing but recommend the game to everyone!

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