Announcement: theKingan are up and running again!


Our last post ''Rainbow Six Siege: Gameplay and Screenshots'' was published 10th of June, 2014. For around three years our website and brand have been inactive, this was caused by some years in exchange and other personal matters. But we are determined to resurrect the website and continue with brand new content in form of reviews, press release and Esport related news!

This will also mean, that we will renew our previously domain ( and begin working on a more professional design, page/post layout and much more to improve your reading experience.

With regard to the team, we are fortunate to have a new writer and journalist joining, Rasmus Thorbjørnsen will be the newest addition to the website. With this said, we sadly announce that Joachim Skovgaard will not be writing the big amount of reviews because of his studies and will be consulting and being responsible for the connection between sponsors and us.

Being back also, means we will be going through the quality of our previously reviews. They will be drafted through our control. We will release them after control, and will be fixed with better pictures and layout than earlier. 

Thanks for your time!
- theKingan

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